• Question: How long do you study for

    Asked by anon-230123 to Sarah, Isaac, Hira, Elena, Anisha, Alex on 15 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Sarah Knight

      Sarah Knight answered on 15 Nov 2019:

      I did a 3 year undergraduate degree, a 1 year Masters, and then a PhD (which should have taken 3 years, but actually took about 4.5 years!). And although doing a PhD is technically “studying”, in many ways it’s like a job!

    • Photo: Alex Leide

      Alex Leide answered on 15 Nov 2019:

      I was at school for 14 years, then 4 years of university doing a MEng degree, then 4 years of PhD which is somewhere between studying and doing a job.
      I think I am still studying now in my job, I am always learning new things

    • Photo: Anisha Wijeyesekera

      Anisha Wijeyesekera answered on 17 Nov 2019:

      I completed 3 degrees which took me 9 years to complete. As Alex said, this is a field where you are always learning new things, so it often feels like you are still studying!
